Eco Church at Christ Church

We believe that caring for God’s Creation is an integral part of our Christian Faith.

From the creation story in Genesis, to Jesus’ command to ‘love our neighbours as ourselves’ we recognise that we have a biblical mandate to live sustainably and allow other people to do so too. In this time of climate emergency we are all responsible for treading more lightly on Earth, refusing excess, reducing waste, repairing re-using and recycling everything we can.

What is Eco Church?

Eco Church, a scheme run by A Rocha, helps us reduce CO2 as well as supporting us to manage our building sustainably, use our land for biodiversity, teach and preach creation care, and live personal lives that tread lightly on the Earth.

What is the Church of England doing?

The Church of England has made a commitment to Carbon net Zero (CNZ) by 2030.

This means all churches are aiming to cut carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels.

How we reduce waste and manage recycling?

Ideas for your church to do Just One Thing each week

Creation talks and prayers

We are a Gold Eco Church!

Congregation from Christ Church celebrating the success of the Gold Award

In December 2024, Christ Church was granted its Gold Eco Church award by A Rocha. Our journey to Gold has taken five years, and has involved everyone in our community!

Starting before lockdown, we achieved Bronze by meeting criteria in all the five areas of ‘Buildings’, ‘Land’, Worship and Teaching’, Community and Global Outreach’ and ‘Personal Lifestyles’.

Silver was harder as we needed to raise our personal lifestyle commitments through carbon audits, weekly ideas for sustainability such as ‘Just One Thing’, and a wider understanding of the Church of England’s Carbon Net Zero target for 2030.

Going for Gold became suddenly a reality! Easter 2024 saw completion of a major building project, which vastly improved the insulation, energy efficiency, water and waste management in the church, as well as our facilities for access and community use.

Achieving Gold could only be done if everyone played their part, and it became a whole church environmental project of the first order!

The biggest challenge now may be to maintain our personal attention to all forms of sustainability. Being Eco conscious in no way clashes with other church activities and messages we seek to share about the love of God for all people. Now it underpins it.

Every choice we make, from what we eat, our every purchase, donation or saving; the prayers we say and activity we commit to can be part of our collective responsibility to care for God’s creation. In maintaining that awareness, we are both stewarding creation as God asks us people to do in Genesis, and loving our neighbours as ourselves, as Jesus asks us to do.

For more on our journey to Gold, see the longer version here

2025 Environment Key Dates.