Situated to the south west of the City centre, a Church that is Christ centred, with an open evangelical approach to Christian belief, practice and worship

Breakfast Cafe

Breakfast Cafe is for anyone. Our age range goes from a few weeks old to 90+ years old.

It meets on a Thursday Morning in term time from 9am to 11:30ish.

The cafe restarted in May 2021 and we now incorporate in our meeting what was Coffee Plus held on a monday morning. So our age range goes from a few weeks to 90+ years.

We hold the cafe in the main space with an area for the babies to sit, toys for toddlers and young children children and tables chairs etc. We also have simple craft activities and If you are lucky you may see the youngsters playing sleeping bunnies. It is a very happy, comfortable, supportive place to be for adults young and old to meet over cake, breakfast quiche, tea, coffee and other goodies.

I have found that after covid there is a great need for everyone to mix with others (all ages ) to share and enjoy an interaction which has been so sadly missing over the last 2 years .

Come and join us, it is for everyone.

Please share the word and invite others – The poster can be found here

Get In Touch

Sue Bennet

Email –