Please see below for contact details of specific people at Christ Church, if you are unsure of who to contact please contact our administrator on 01206 542307 or
Chris Smith
Emma Smith
Emily Gooch
Jean Taylor
Church warden
Rod Green
Church warden
Simon Prestney
Parish Safeguarding Officer
Brian Taylor
Deputy Church warden
Rosemary Currell
Deputy Church warden
James Bacon
Deputy Parish Safeguarding Officer
Sophie Bacon
Deputy Parish Safeguarding Officer
Nigel Humphreys
Judith Cronshaw
Building Project Co-ordinator
Clive Joyce
Licensed Lay Minister
Sara Humphreys
Licensed Lay Minister
Sheila Godwin
Pastoral Assistant and Responsible for FLAMES and Time Together
Paul Wakefield
Evangelism Enabler and Responsible for Splodgy Youth
Sue Bennett
Responsible for FRoG Club and Breakfast Café and Musician
Colin Bennett